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PtU - CPTJM Review Committee and Supporting companies
A huge thank you to all the international experts who have supported the creation and review of the materials prior to their launch, your comments are a huge part of what makes PtU-CPTJM possible.
Nadia Soledad Cavalleri
Buenos Aires, Argentina
International speaker and Founder of Argentesting and BoundLess
Leandro Melendez (Señor Performo)
Mexico City, Mexico
Performance Test Consultant and Manager, Podcaster, Public speaker, Presenter, Enthusiast and Evangelist -
Alfonso Fernández
Asunción, Paraguay
CEO de Consultores Informáticos
Gustavo Terrera
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Founding Partner of Argentesting, Test Lead at Atos and Founder of TestingBaires,
Marcela Mellado
Santiago, Chile
Ingeniero Informática - Fundadora Testing en Chile
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